Tuesday, November 2, 2021

More October Rides

 I started October with a few posts about individual rides... 

Here are the REST of the pics from rides throughout the month of October. (well, the rest of the ones I'm going to share... I take WAY TOO MANY pics on rides to possibly post ALL of them) 

You know you're still MetalAF when you ride past the counter and it clicks over to '666'... 

(Okay... we had to ride past it FOUR TIMES to get it to 666...)

Smoke... AGAIN...!? I thought we were DONE with this apocalyptic haze. 

Bike in the water. 

Getting chillier - Amanda broke out the mitts and helmet liners. 

Some trees still full of yellow leaves. 

More colourful leaves. 

in other places the leaves have all dropped leaving a dreary grey-brown landscape. 

Turbo Beaver gives zero fucks about your puny chainlink fence. 

Took a few trips out to Chief Whitecap park to see if I could spot any of the massive flocks of Sandhill Cranes that pass through here in October during their fall migration. I did spot a few - but not as many as in previous years. 

I got out the Purple Karate Monkey and went for a few rides on that this month. 

Work continued on the Spadina South Multi-use trail conversion. 

early in the month they closed it off entirely - putting up fences at either end... on teh weekends, though, people usually opened them up and went through anyway. 

One weekend afternoon I took a tour through. 

Looks like they're just about finished with the - repaving. 

More cranes. 

Actual fog - not smoke, for once! 

Incredibly still morning. 

Maybe it would be easier if I did these weekly... 

Oh, also I tried doing inktober/artober challenge again this year - I only posted things about half the days. There was a pretty strong BIBYLE theme to all of my drawings this year. You can see them on my Instagram page or over on my Art Blog