Sunday, November 14, 2021

More November Rides

Another week of what Tim say while out for rides...  

I went out for a bit of a ride on Wednesday this past week. It was to do errands, but I took the "scenic" route, which was probably double the length it needed to be, if I was strictly just doing the errands. 

AS i left it was grey and lightly drizzling. Spotted more beaver handiwork. 

As i rode on that drizzle turned into little ice pellets... then the occasional snow flake... 

the more snowflakes. 

by the time I was heading home it was feeling like this might be the beginning of winter 

(also, spotted a snowshoe hare, in winter colours!) 

Friday, we had to be out early and get Keiran to the Children's Hospital for day surgery (it was a very minor procedure, nothing concerning) - which meant a panic rush to get winter bikes ready the night before. 

Keiran and Amanda went in and I went for a ride. 

I came back later in the morning  to pick up Keiran, but had to wait a bit.  It had actually gotten COLDER, since I was there earlier in the morning! 

Eventually they came out and we rode on home. The Doctor had told them that in their 28 years of being a medial professional, this was the first time anyone had ridden on a bike to day surgery... 

I was feeling lazy... and tired... and cold... on Saturday and didn't leave the house. Feeling a bit guilty about this, I went for a much longer ride on Sunday - like 40+Km! 

Spotted on my ride earlier this afternoon. 

I usually spot one once a year - or every other year - somewhere along the river valley. Usually it's closer to xmas. Twice it's been ON Xmas day!

Little bird flew up and started angrily chirping away at the eagle. 

I'd like to think it's a brave, plucky little bird standing up to a fearsome predator trying to save it's family and friends....

But this is Saskatoon... so it's probably some NIMBY Karen Bird beaking off about how the Eagles presence is bringing down nest values in the neighbourhood... 

Bridges. Snow. 

A pair of iconic Saskatoon locales - the Bessborough Hotel and the Vimy Memorial. 

This past week was Remembrance Day... I have pretty mixed feelings about the day... 

The Vimy Memorial. 

View from the top of the Chief Mistawasis Bridge. 

Snow-covered rocks below Chief Mistawasis Bridge. 

Trees. Rocks. 

more birb. 

A Gaggle of Geese 

Swung out from the river valley to the Northeast Swale. Most of it is a lavely pathway to ride. 

Less so here... there is a pathway there... under the snow - which had NOT been cleared... and partly melted... and then a lot of people walked along it... and then if froze again... which made for a very bumpy ride for a good section of it. 

Despite fences and NO DOGs signs... a pair of women walked right past me, though the fence and into the Northeast Swale to walk their dogs... 

back to the river - little bit of not-so-paved trail in the trees. 


  1. Great photos. I hope Kieran is continuing to make progress. You are surrounded by amazing wildlife. Beavers must be a problem at times I imagine.

  2. Keiran is doing much better, thanks! There were SOME complications... The doctor had advised "Take it easy and get some rest for the next 24 hours or so..." So, 25 hours after leaving the hospital they decided to walk almost an hour (4.5Km), through snow, to get to a 45 minute tap dance class and then walk another hour to get home...

    There is a LOT Of wildlife within the city. some of it is great. Others, not-so-much! Last week a MOOSE wandered into town - panicked when some dogs in the neighbourhood barked at it... and it charged through a giant plate-glass window into an elementary school classroom!?

    A couple years back, just a few blocks from my house, someone went out into their backyard and discovered a COUGAR lounging in some of their patio furniture!

    The beavers do cut down a lot of trees, but are otherwise, relatively, harmless. Such industrious little creatures.

  3. It must be getting cold, you are wearing LONG PANTS!


  4. Ha! Yes, but only on Friday - because I had to go out so early at it was -16°C with the windchill. Still wearing shorts today - and when I went out for my ride yesterday... Looks like by the weekend it might be trousers time again, though..
