Thursday, February 7, 2019

Frosty February

It was a chilly one out today.

Yesterday, I think we broke a record or something - coldest day in Saskatoon in 112 years...?

Yeah... I didn't leave the house yesterday... But Amanda rode her bike to work in that -52°C windchill...

Today was less bad... To be honest, it had warmed up all the way to -30°C by the time I left the house to get The Boy to an appointment just afternoon...

It was still pretty foggy along the river, but the sun was out and everything looked so white and pretty...


  1. No shorts?! You wuss.. :o))

    I am seriously impressed with the temperatures you still cycle in... do you have special adaptations for the bike to cope ... snow tyres? with the studs? what about lube (for the chain and stuff) doesn't it freeze??

  2. When it warms up from -40 to -20, if almost feels like shorts weather!

    I ride a fat tire bike in the winter. That's about it.

    Yeah, when it drops below -30 or so, you do have to keep pedalling to maintain speed going downhill because the grease in the hubs basically congeals into a sticky paste... but all that extra work just helps you stay warm!!

  3. Man, I can't even imagine that type of cold. I think the coldest it's gotten in Portland in the years I've been here is 17F/-8C. It's supposed to snow this weekend, though, so we'll actually be seeing "real winter" for a few days. But not enough to get beard ice!

  4. Winter cycling is so beautiful. Glad I'm not the only one who has grease issues after -30 (my steering gets insanely stiff at -35).

  5. Bob - Wow - I can't say I've ever had trouble with steering... that would suck!

    Shawn - A couple people from Oregon have made comments on my other blog about getting snow this weekend - and another on Facebook mentioned something about a coming snowpocalypse! Stay warm! Stay Upright! And try to find some way to enjoy the snow a little while you get some! (I did get your last few packages. I'm sorry I haven't written back yet. No, I'm not angry with you, I'm just become a terrible, TERRIBLE correspondent!)

  6. Tim-The snow is not going to be bad by SK standards, just bad by Portland standards. The run for the supermarkets today was INSANE!
    And write me when you can!

  7. Oh, I know... but it's all relative. If you live in an area that doesn't normally get much snow, then people aren't prepared for it - no winter tires (for cars or bikes) or experience driving/riding in these conditions - I can imagine it would be harrowing going anywhere in Portland right now!

  8. Tim-
    Thankfully I'm prepared! I got a studded tire for the bike!
