We live close to the Meewasin Trail - a series of multi-use pathways that follow the river that passes through the heart of our city. It is our bicycle freeway that gets us to pretty much everywhere we need to go.
Riding along the trail daily affords us the opportunity to check out wild life in the city. I often see beavers - usually at dawn or dusk. Last week I spotted a rabbit:

It was tearing along the riverbank super fast and kicking up a bunch of snow - I couldn't even tell what it was until it stopped.
Earlier today as we were heading home from violin lessons we saw a Bald Eagle soaring over the river - and being chased by a crow and a magpie!

I dont' seem to have gotten any pics with the magpie.

Because they're so small and close together, Keira thought this one looked like "a cat falling out of a window"...? I'm not sure what window she thought it would have been falling out of.

I've only even seen bald eagles in the city once before. It was while crossing the same bridge on Xmas day a few years back.

Soaring past a nervous pigeon.

Last we saw of it was when it disappeared over the other side of the bridge heading south.