Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ice Cycle 2012

That time of year again....

Last year it was -40°C (with the wind chill). The year before a balmy -33°C... This year...? Melting... I was wearing shorts and sweating my ass off...

Ah well... Not going to complain too much about that!

Here's a few pics of the event:

That's Amanda smiling in the lower right. Behind her is Don from the city's Infrastructure Services department - who build our roads and plan our bike routes.

Amanda took this picture of me and the kids (on the right, in red)

Heading by the Bessborough Hotel

There was apparently 180 riders this year (strangely same as last year - when it was -40°C!?)

Bryn and crew.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like there were more than 180.. but I wasnt counting.

    I love how H is basically asleep. O fell asleep in teh cargo bike before we got home..

