(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

From Left to Right: Terry, CVT, and me with spatula for extra encouragement (and possibly splinting)!

CVT and Terry around 6Km?

Me and Terry around 7Km – taken by CVT who was running backwards!

Me and CVT at about 8Km

CVT at 17Km – the dude is a running machine with a heart like an Ox.
He had started out running 10 minutes, the walking one... then it was more like running 20... then thirty... by this point he had more or less given up on the walking and was just running!

In the home stretch – CVT and Terry at about 26Km

CVT and Terry at 28Km!

Grand total: 28.2Km in just over three hours.

CVT and his Mobile Support Unit.
If only we could go to New York with him! Ah well, he’ll do fine and there’ll be no shortage of folks cheering him on.
Way to go CVT, you are an inspiration to us all!
That was an awesome day and you guys were so great to stick with me the whole time.