Heading out in the snow.

Here's the cartload of stuff I bought and had to somehow load on to the bike... Now I'm thinking having two bags or boxes semi-permanently attached would be really handy when trying to load this up with large loads. I could have put one bag in each keeping it fairly balenced as I loaded it. Instead I had to load up the one side, holding the bike up with my leg. Then, once the Yuba bag was loaded up I turned it around and leaned it against the wall while I loaded up the Bob Bag and then strapped it on to the bike. In the end it didn't end up all that well balanced. It wasn't a huge deal for handling, but whenever I stopped I couldn't just use the kick stand - it would just tip over...

All loaded up.
I was going to type out the list of everything I got to give you an idea of how much exactly I was loaded up with.. but I'm too lazy... Let's just say there was at least 22 litres of apple juice and soymilk... Which is 22kg right there (almost 50lbs). Then there was bags and bags of frozen peas and corn and blueberries...

Back home...