“Rest Day”
Date: Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Time: 1:11:14
Distance: 27.87
Average Speed: 23.47
Temp: 14°C
Wind: calm
Conditions: mostly cloudy
Notes: Met Susan at the Roastery at 5:30. Rode down sask cres and out towards Beaver Creak – flatted just past the Concordia club! URRRRRR! (…and of course I still hadn’t gotten around to fixing or swapping pedals!! – man, I’m an idiot....)
50 Ball Crunches, Back Extensions on Ball, Leg Raises, Push-ups
Date: Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Another “Rest Day” – though I did make a couple trips out with the kids/trailer to get dog food and then groceries ~8km
Date: Thursday, 26 June 2008
Time: 1:02:29
Distance: 25.48
Average Speed:
Temp: 9°C
Wind: WSW 5kph
Conditions: Cloudy
I actually got up just after 4AM and went for a ride. It wasn’t for fun and fitness – it was over to my parents house – because it was on fire!
Our phone rang just after 4AM. I didn't get it. I just thought "what drunk is dialing us by mistake at this hour...." Then a minute later I heard all these sirens rushing down Avenue H... Then our phone rang again and I though: “either my dad's having a heat attack or my parents house is on fire...” Thank goodness it was option number two. Call number one was my mom calling to say if we got a call saying their house was on fire not to worry that they were okay. Call number two was the security company calling to say there was an alarm at my parents place.
(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Anyway, I got back home just after 5AM got changed and did go for a morning ride. At least I had finally remembered to swap out the pedals.
I’ve had a sore developing just above my tailbone – had them before loats of extra scrubbing and trying to keep it dry seems to make them go away…. But yesterday afternoon and all day today the same area has been really, really…. Tight? Painfully tight. Feels like muscles have just locked up. Not sure if they’re related. Similar sort of thing happened to Amanda after she had one of the kids and I teased her relentlessly that it was now medically proven that she is in fact a “tight ass”… If that's what this is I’m never going to live this down now…
Date: Friday, 27 June 2008
Wet and miserable out this morning – Severe thunderstorm last night - “Rest Day“ for everyone…
I also now have a large tight swollen mass in lower back just above the tailbone causing some considerable discomfort – time to get that checked out.
I actually got an appointment in the late afternoon, though not with my regular doctor. Like my regular doctor I finally got to see the doctor an HOUR after the scheduled appointment time, unlike my regular doctor the visit was rather abrupt! He asked one question “what’s the problem”? Looked at my backside before I even started to explain the background. Informed me I had some sort of very bad infection – there was a name for it, but I was in much pain by that point and not really paying much attention - and prescribed some antibiotics… wham, bam, thank-you mam… All over in two minutes… I don’t even know if he asked my name… How could a guy so abruptly efficient be so far behind!?
On the plus side he said it didn't look like any abscess had formed yet... but if it did get worse I might need to head to the emergency room to get something cut out...!? YIKES!?
The ride to the doctor’s and pharmacy was probably about 10Km.
Date: Saturday, 28 June 2008
“Rest Day“ – In pretty rough shape. My backside is still swollen and uncomfortable. Standing and sitting on chairs hurts. The only positions that don’t really hurt are lying on my stomach or, strangely enough, sitting on a bicycle seat!?
I did haul Finnegan out to get sized for his violin and I picked up some groceries in the late afternoon. ~ 15km.
Date: Sunday, 29 June 2008
Time: 1:28:38
Distance: 35.95Km
Average Speed: 24.3kph
Temp: 14°C
Wind: S9kph
Conditions: Mainly Sunny
Still in a bad way – got out for a little ride this morning though. I had, earlier in the week, planned on going for a 50 km ride yesterday and trying for a century today (100mi/162Km) – but that just didn’t work out… then I was thinking I would do 50Km today and a century on Tuesday (being Canada Day and all) but I think the long long distance rides are off until I’m finished with the antibiotics – as they are to be taken four times a day at least 2-3 hours after any food and an hour before eating anything that leaves a 2-3 hour window of eating during any 6 hour period… Can’t go for a 6 hour bike ride and only be able to eat for the middle two hours!?
This sucks!