Tuesday, March 8, 2022

2022 Rides - Week Nine

One of these weeks I'll get out riding more... probably when it isn't always snowing or so fucking cold!? Usually I don't mind the winter so much... But this year, I am just so tired of it all. 

Monday I only did a quick trip downtown to get Keiran to an appointment after school. Didn't take any pictures... 

Tuesday afternoon I rode downtown to drop off and pick up books and then go for an extended ride up to the Circle Drive Bridge and... that was all I planned... decided I'd see where I went from there. It just started to snow when I left. 

(Oh, good, MORE snow... I was worried we were going to run out!?)

Lots of snow! 

Snowshoe Hare spotted at the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan site. Looked like it was waiting for the show to start. Might have a bit of a wait! 

I spotted a few Common Goldeneyes on the river. As I watched more and more of them came bobbing up from under the water! 

There were at least thirty of them in the end - which was the largest grouping of them I've seen all winter! 

Wednesday Morning I had to haul Keiran downtown to a Physiotherapy appointment BEFORE school (as they'd injured themselves at Pom practice... again...) and then haul them over to their school ideally before their first class began.... It was such a rush, I didn't end up taking any pictures along the way. 

I walked downtown to mail off a parcel for a friend and pick up some jackets Amanda had taken in to get repaired. 

Oh, good. More snow coming... I saw this and warned Amanda there could be a lot of snow and maybe she should bring her laptop home.... 

It DID end up snowing a fair bit over night so Amanda decided to work from home. 

Does she look unimpressed...? I think she's unimpressed... 

She has new Work From Home Attire...

By mid morning it was REALLY coming down. 

And it just kept coming... 

Later in the day I actually tried to go out for a ride... 

Once I got to the trail along the river it wasn't so bad... where they had cleared it... 

I only got as far as the Traffic Bridge and turned back - there was so much that hadn't been cleared and everything was SO WHITE I couldn't even make out differences in the ground ahead and hit a few snow drifts that I didn't know where there until i hit them because everything read FLAT WHITE.

I didn't go out the rest of the week. 

Actually that's not true. I just didn't RIDE anywhere.  I walked a bit over the weekend... but not very far. 

Maybe next week... 


  1. I do like the building in the first photo and enjoy the weather forecasts you include. An interesting exercise in compare and contrast…

    1. Thanks, Alan! It always throws me a little when reading what other people are doing around the world when its -40 here and someone is out sketching in the park and all their drawings are of people in t-shirts!?
