Sunday, January 30, 2022

2022 Rides - Week Four

Last week of January.... 

Started the week off with a dip back into the -20s (with windchill in the deep -30s)... So I didn't go out at all on Monday. I did on Tuesday, though. It was chillier when I first went out, but warmed up considerably during my ride. It had been SUPER foggy the night before (would have taken pictures of THAT - could barely see across the street!), so in the morning there was frost everywhere! 

I love riding on days like this. 

It's like Riding in a Winter Wonderland. 

Of course the rides take so much longer as I stop every 20 seconds to take pictures - because EVERYTHING is SO PRETTY! 

Of course, then it also takes me for-EVAR to go through and trim pout and edit photos, because - TOO MANY PHOTOS!? 

It is pretty, though, is it not?

It was a particular bonus that it was a clear blue sky - often on frosty days it's very overcast and the frost on the trees tends to blend with the sky - but this day the white frost really stood out against the super blue sky! 

So many pictures. 




I'm sorry... I was a bit out-of-control... 

I'm sure I had over 200 pics - just from TUESDAY that I had to trim down to just this few... 

There has been a fair bit of snow accumulation this winter and I am thankful for the separated multi-use trails that the city actually does a pretty good job of clearing off. 

Wish there were MORE!? 

and they didn't suddenly just END, like this... 

At least it turns off and heads down 14th for a bit (before ending abruptly at Cumberland... 

There are a few parts of town where I can ride in the alleys. 

There is enough traffic to pack down the snow - but not so much that it's been packed into pure ice or that I ever encounter cars in the alleys

Downtown... just when you think people are starting to "GET IT"... (three cars in a row, parked in the bike lane 

The counter along the trail is working again. It had stopped during the DEEP COLD of December. 

So many Rock Doves. 

Wednesday I had an appointment just off downtown. So I left a bit early to take this trail... 




So many Mallards. 

MORE low hanging obstacles. 

ended up doing the figure-eight loop down to the new south bridge. Love this new trail. 

spotted a large flock of... something up in a tree. I think they may have been some kind of Waxwing...? But I'm not sure. 

When they clear the road after clearing the trail. 

Friday I went out with Amanda - Twice! 

once again it was all frosty along the river. 

Brace yourself for another deluge of Riding in a Winter Wonderland pics. 

I mean, how could I NOT!? 

First trip was to campus - I helped her haul back a computer monitor that wasn't working and pick up a replacement. 

Waiting outside the Thorvaldson (Chemistry) Building. 

Heading home. 

Along College Drive. 

Amanda waiting patiently at the bottom of teh bridge wondering where I'd gotten to!? (taking pictures...) 

Bach through Kinsmen Park. 

River Landing. 

In the late afternoon we went out for groceries.

On our way home we were treated to a spectacular sunset! 

Wow, huh?

Both Saturday and Sunday I did pretty much the same 21Km, figure-eight loop of the Circle Drive and Gordie Howe Bridges. both rides were in the late afternoon and as I was getting home it was starting to get dark. I didn't take a lot of pictures on Saturday, the one above is the only one I thought worth sharing 

This might have been Saturday, too, though...? 

Train rolling across the Grand Truck Bridge adjacent to the Gordie Howe Bridge. Just as I got to the other side, another train came by going the other way! 

On the southwest section of the trail that used to be Spadina Avenue South, I spotted a few more bushes with Xmas ornaments in them. there was one along this section that was there before Xmas, but two others I just noticed this week. Maybe they were there and I didn't notice. Maybe someone got some post-Xmas-deals on decorations and decided to come out and do a few more bushes. 

This is the one I had spotted last year. 

The other new one. 

More trails through trees. 

View from the North end of the loop. 

I spotted some Mallards right by the rivers edge, but they skittered away as I stopped and reached for my camera. 

More Mallards. 

Mallards - a bit closer up 

Purple Karate Monkey that I've been riding the last few days 

I think this is basically the same shot I took earlier in the week... but different time of day.. 

Ah, well... 

One bonus bit of news, I DID get in just over 100Km of riding this week. (It had been my goal to do so since the beginning of the year.... but...) 


  1. I really enjoyed the snowy pictures. Near me people put up nursery rhyme home made paintings to entertain children and their families as they walk the old former railway line. This began during the first Lockdown and has been added too since .
    The Chemistry building is very evocative. I do wonder how the birds and other wildlife survive the temperatures..

  2. The painting-lined trails sound lovely.

    All of the older buildings on campus are really nice. Thorvaldson is my favourite. The university has done a pretty good job of tying newer buildings in with the older - using architecture that echoes elements of the old and always using the same greystone for the outer walls.

    Critters surviving the winter: down and fur goats, I guess...? I was reading that chickadees spend 30% more of their day feeding in the winter - presumably to have enough energy to keep warm through shivering?
