Today the whole family was off to the year end recital for the Queen Maeve Schoold of Irish Dance. It was the first time I saw Amanda riding her Moonlander in day light - and thus able to get a picture of her on it...

IT was a frosty one today... -35°C (with the windchill) when we left. That's the kind of cold where the grease in your hubs and bottom bracket start to congeal and you actually have to pedal to go down hills! It was a tiring ride...

...well it was a tiring ride for me. I had to strip down to my sweater and light gloves and was STILL sweating! by the time we got to the school where the recital was my sweater was covered in frost - sweat/vapour passing through the sweater and then freezing in the chilly wind.
Amanda complained of cold toes... clearly she wasn't working hard enough!
The snazzy new bag she has on her bike is a Dutchy Recycled Banner Pannier from Green Guru (which I won on Momentum Magazine's Facebook Page, and Amanda subsequently commandeered for herself). I really like the idea of Green Guru's products and it seems like a nice enough bag... it'll be interesting to see how this one stands up to the harsh cold of a Saskatchewan winter....
I didn't get any pictures of the performance as we were all backstage for this one - Amanda and I took up dancing this fall and are dancing at the same school as the kids...

On the way home i took a picture of Amanda's frosty head and eyelashes.

closer view.
Then I turned the camera on myself...

an altogether different sort of frosty...