Getting ready to go - Amanda thought she'd try out the Dahon Mu Uno that she won when she bought me a lifetime subscription to Momentum Magazine

On our way. That bikes getting mighty small for Finnegan (we got a new one on the way!) but he rode it all the way too the ride, through the ride, and back home... Quite the trooper!

Lots of kids, lots of bikes.

People still arriving...

Getting ready to go...

The crowd marshals

...and everybody gets going

quite a bunch...

I'd say it was the biggest ride yet.

Keira riding with her pal Sophie.

Because Keira did the ride on her runner bike - we were pretty much dropped and the others rode on ahead without us... so I didn'e ge ttoo many more pictures of the ride... ah well...

Caught up to everyone at the park.

Threw the runner back in the yuba bag, and the girl on the back deck for the ride home. It'd been a tiring day.
On our way home we stopped at the Bike Doctor to order Finnegan a new bike - more on that shortly! (hopefully!?)