As I was about to turn around I thought I saw a cyclist way down the road coming towards me. My assumption was that, at that hour, that far out of town it would be some other nutcase like me out for a early morning road spin. So I kept riding thinking I could ride past and see if it was anyone I knew, smile, wave, ride on for another Km, and THEN turn around. My second assumption is that anyone out for a morning road spin is going to be faster than me and so I wouldn't catch up. I'm okay with that. In fact I prefer that... I don't know what it is - maybe it's a guy thing. but a lot of guys that get passed suddenly think they're in a race and speed up, then they pass you... then they get tired... and then do you slow down so you don't have to bother with that silliness.. whatever...
Wasn't a roadie out for a spin. It was some scruffy looking dude on a mountain bike with big bags - going along at a pretty good clip with the wind at his back - headphones on (like big noticeable ones) and staring into the ditch.
I don't think he even knew I was there...
So I carried on for a bit, turned around after a kilometer and started to head back.
Then I saw the snake...

Poor little guy...

Caught up to the bottle collector.
Seriously, it there THAT many bottles being chucked out of cars...!? There's a guy out doing the same thing EVERY morning on our regular route when I meet up with the others!
There was a LOT of traffic as I was getting into town. I'm thinking 11th street must be cut off now as they begin to get ready to build all the new exchanges and approaches to the new bridge.
AS I was contemplating all this, just past the municipal landfill I thought I hit a bump and heard a click-click-click-clicking noise - obviously something on a wheel hitting fork or stays or something. My immediate thought was that the magnet or sensor for my computer had been jarred and were hitting each other. Upon examination of my front wheel I discovered this was not the case. When I had a look at my rear wheel...


It was totally holding air, though. For a brief moment I actually considered riding it to see how far I could get (very brief... I'm not THAT stupid!). It wasn't until I pulled it out that any air came out.
Luckily I was in a pretty exposed area and there was a good bit of wind so the mosquitoes (which have been horrendous here lately after all the damn rain!) didn't eat me alive (unlike last friday when Matt flatted by Early's...).
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