Since I did so much riding that first week - and taking loads of pictures, I decided I ought to split it up into weekly updates... and then... that didn't happen... So, here is what happened for the rest of June...
That Second week started off with good intentions...

Monday morning I headed out down Spadina south to head out of town..

Made it out of town and started rolling along past farmland and pastures...

and got another fucking FLAT!?

and again, despite all the tools I'm hauling along... for some reason the key for the security skewers isn't in there... so I can't take my rear wheel off and repair it...
YOu'd think I would have learned the last time this happened... you know... a week or so ago...

Well I got to admire all the pretty flowers along my walk home.

Marvel at both old and new bridges...

Check out the mama and baby duckies on the river.

I don't know what these guys were planning, but I'm pretty sure they were sizing me up and considering their chances!

Sand gushing out of the Water Treatment Plant.
I didn't change that flat until this morning, almost three weeks later... Good thing I have a few other bikes..

Sunset on Tuesday evening

Riding home with Keira on Tuesday evening.

Heading downtown to the Ortodontis with Keira - NOT IN A BIKE LANE!!

Oh, I guess the paint was still there, but the dividing post had all been removed and, temporarily replace with traffic cones.

There were notices in the doors of buildings about the bike lane coming out.
Every other city in the world has figured it out and can't get bikes lanes in fast enough... we're taking them out... sigh...

Heading home...

On Tuesday it was Finnegan's turn to visit the Orthodontist - and they were actively removing the paint off the street on his block that day... despite dozens of bikes locked to just about every sturdy vertical post on this block alone... what was the fucking rush?! Why not wait until fall!?

Heading home - the block south still had the lanes marked out.

Riding home from getting groceries one evening.

heading downtown in the rain.

this guy too.

Stopping to get glasses adjusted.

heading home...

Dowtown to the library on Saturday. Bye-bye bike lanes.. Again, bikes locked up all over the place.

Heading out to the Carlysle King Branch Library with Keira for a Knowlympic event..

Over a bridge...

Through a tunnel.

It was Saturday, so I checked... down 6Kg in two weeks...

It ws Father's Day and I felt like I needed a Treat Day - so we wandered over to Darkside Donuts to pick up some donuts to take over to my folks place for a Father's Day meal they were planning.

Riding over to my folks.
Had a couple days the next week where I didn't really go anywhere... but then my friend Susan got me off my ass and out for a ride.

This is me trying out her new ride!

Keira came along too.

We rolled from Susan's to the South Bridge, up the other side of the river to the Circle Drive Bridge, and then back to Susan's - where Keira played with her dogs for a bit. So good to get out again..

Had a record drought in April-may... June seems to be trying to make up for it...

Rainy day riding.

Out with Susan we rolled past another dude with a recumbent trike of the same make (though with not-so-fat tires)
It was kind of like when two strange dogs meet in public... but with less butt-sniffing...

For those that think we shouldn't spend more money on cycling infrastructure because "no one rides bikes..." I can only assume they haven't tried locking a bike up anywhere in town lately...

Baby geese getting older... perhaps they're adolescent geese now...?

I have no idea...

Bike computer having a bit of a brain-fart.

More brainfarts.

I'm not sure...

dragged finnegan out for a ride with us.


it was dusk and this critter was dragging a big stick along side the trail towards it's lodge.

Again with the beavers dragging large branches - totally different beaver - totally different part of town.

Clearly the Beavers pay no heed to the No Swimming in the River bylaws...

Chief Mistawasis Bridge

Looking back towards downtown from Chief Mistawasis.

Big lookout areas on the Chief Mistawasis Bridge.

This seems like false advertising - there has never been wildlife on the road when I've ridden by!

New development... empty fields awaiting development....

thought I'd go to Super Store on a Sunday evening - it'll be quite there... the bike rack that is usually only one or two bikes was full! There were other bikes locked up to other things nearby!?

Hauling some new drawers home.

AGAIN with the beaver!

lost almost 10Kg (22lbs) in one month! Woo! Now if only I could keep this up for the next two months!