Finnegan has taken over my mom's old Bike E as his get-around-the-city bike. It's in pretty good shape. She didn't ride it a lot.

And The Girl has taken over Finnegan's Linus.

Put away the Big Fat Dummy and got out the Yuba for Spring/Summer/Autum hauling. Still lots of ice on the river well into the month.

Still wearing winter helmet.

Spotted my first beaver amidst the ice in this gully by the art gallery.

Close up shot of said beaver.

New buildings still going up at Riverlanding. Starting on a third on that site.

Noticeably longer days. A few day with little wind.

Riding home from evening dance classes and it's still light out!

Summer helmet, summer gloves.

Still jacket weather, but Finnegan's at least transitioned to a summer helmet.

Got home before the rain.

Well, those bike lanes brought $12000 downtown from us - two kids braces! Too bad they voted to tear them out before 30 June the other day... I guess downtown don't want our money no more.

Lovely warm day just before Amanda's birthday - we rode out to meet my folks at Güd Eats for a late lunch.

Lunch at Güd Eats

Riding home from Güd Eats into the wind was a bit chillier.

Along the river.

While looking for her New Bike, Amanda rode the Jake 24 over to Doug's to see what they might give us for credit towards her new bike... it wasn't very much... so we're trying to sell it. Almost everyone that contacts us seems to be under the impression that it's a smoking' deal on a full-sized adult cross bike. Perhaps we should post THIS picture with it.

We did get out for ONE ride that was just for the fun of it.

Just a loop around the Meewassin Trail - up to the Circle Drive bridge and back down the other side.
This was partly a chance to try out the new (to them) bikes the kids will be riding this summer.

Finnegan tried out his new mountain bike (my old Surly 1x1)

The Girl tried out her new gravel adventure bike (Amanda's old Soma Double Cross).
She's at an awkward age/size - any kids bike she sits on is WAY too small - but this adult (Extra Small) cross bike is looking just a touch on the large side! Hopefully she'll grow some more through the summer.

The other reason for the ride was to check and see if the crocuses were out.

They were, but it felt like we were a little late - most were looking rather dried out and forlorn. It has been a very dry spring.

Continuing on, under the Rail bridge.

... and back across the Traffic Bridge.
And that was April. Hopefully we'll do some more FUN riding in May!