Thursday Morning 6:30am
-4°C (Windchill -7°C)

I met a shadow on the road today.
I couldn’t help but laugh and think, “Hey look - it’s a shadow of my
former self!”
(I know, corny and cliched… but....)
A shadow of a former self that was in somewhat better shape.
A shadow of a former self that got up every damn morning at FIVE am to meet
friends at six and ride for an hour and half.
A shadow of a former self that thought nothing of getting up on Sunday
morning and riding 100 Km on a 54x22 fixed gear!?
A shadow of a former self that was damn near 20kg lighter!
(yes, Kilograms – we’re in CANADA… We use METRIC… get over
(also, 20 Kg doesn’t sound nearly as bad as 40lbs)
A shadow of a former self that didn’t get passed by old people on TOWNIES?!
(In my defence, I was keeping pace with a ten year old who
was riding a brand new bike… and they had electric assist motors!)
A shadow of a former self that wasn’t always so anxious and depressed ALL THE
Hello shadow, it’s good to see you again. It’s been too
long. We should do this more often.