These transitional periods are the worst. MOST of the roads and pathways are clear, but there are always low bits that water sits on, or bits on slopes that water drains across and freezes overnight. What bike to take - ones with studs (that will get worn down on the bare pavement) or something smoother (that will slip all over on the ice)?

Amanda decided to sick with her Moonlander no studs, but big fat tires (this is her fourth winter on that bike!). Finnegan decided to forego his fat tire bike and pulled out his summer bike - easier riding and fenders for all the water! The downside of the fat tires in this weather is those big fat tires spray a LOT of water all over one's backside if you are lacking fenders...

Teh section of the Meewasin trail from the Broadway Bridge north to the intersection of 24th and Spadina was the WORST - especially this little slope pictured above. I couldn't even ride up it with my studs - but I made it to the top. The others were having a hard time of it - it was almost comical. Amanda would take a step and slide right back down - having no traction anywhere - tires... boots... nuthin! I had to go back down and help her out.
Normally I'd say I'm sure this won't last - we'll get another blast of winter before true spring. But later I went to pick up The Girl who had a sleep-over at my folks so she didn't have to get up so early and go to the hospital with us. Just as we were pulling up in front of our house I saw a butterfly flit by!

and the geese are back!