I've been sick with a cold most of the week, and so didn't much go out in it... I have in the past, when it's been this cold. but not so much this week.
Then on Saturday it warmed up to the negative teens and windchill above -20°C. (today it is -5°C... later in the week it's going to be above zero!) Teh funny thing about when we have acold snap and then it warms up to -20°C is suddenly EVERYBODY is out riding their bikes.
I couldn't even get my usual "Rock Star Parking Spot" in front of the Francis Morrison Library when I wandered downtown for my weekly errands

(well... SOME of the weekly errands - the Night Oven Bakery was closed for holidaze).

Seriously, I had to park waaaaaay over at the next post.
When I came out someone else had rode up and couldn't be bothered to park so far away and had left his bike right up against the front window - you know right by the sign that says "Do Not Lean Bikes Against Window"..