Can you see it? (click on the pictures to see a larger version)

I tried my flash - which I very rarely do - which probably scared the willies out of the poor critter.

Ooh! There you can kind of see his eye. I started to move away and he climbed a tree so I walked around to see if I could get a better shot...

Up in the tree... again with the flash...

Prickly porcupine butt.

One last try... Curse these cute nocturnal creatures and my crappy little not-so-good-at-taking-picutres-inpoor-light camera...
Then I had to chase down the kids who were a couple hundred metres down the trail. I passed a couple on the way that felt the urge to admonish me and tell me to hurry up and that my kids were "very worried" about me (Seriously!?). When I caught up to them Keira was almost on the verge of tears - thinking I had taken too long and the porcupine had attacked me!?