As of Monday we were "winter riding" once again. I can't say were caught off guard or weren't expecting it... but we weren't entirely prepared... In the spring we packed away all of our winter gear - and a lot of other stuff in boxes squirrelled away in the basement and garage in preparation for a renovation that was to begin in the spring and be done by the end of July - which, in theory, would give us lots of time put finishes on and reorganize the house and put things back in their usual places... Well the renovation didn't start until the end of July... and, despite being told it would all be done by the end of September (still plenty of time to get ready for winter, right?) it has dragged on into November...

So Monday morning saw a mad scramble to locate winter items such as pants (I generally don't wear pants until it's -10°C) and boots for the kids and so on.

I haven't even been able to properly winterize bikes or do maintenance as the garage is still full of stuff we had to move out of the house for the renovation and piles of stucco supplies!? There's barely enough room to get bikes in and out - I have to lift the Yuba over supplies (and a very hot electric heater!) piled up by the door everytime I go in or out. The Yuba is not light.
Despite the chaos and panic, we've been out and about and made it to work and lessons and such... (Well... we didn't make it to the Monday night dance classes - the streets were like skating rinks and we decided not to go out. By morning they'd gotten out and spread sand and gravel at most intersections and the going was a bit better).

It was grey and chilly when we made our way to violin wednesday morning.

It was sunny and considerably warmer on our way home. (can you spot the fellow cyclist in the picture above?)

It's a tad warmer today as well, but it will be dropping again over the weekend.

Despite the extra effort getting places (or even getting ready to go out - with all the added layers) the kids seem to take these things in stride. Finnegan may try riding his own bike at some point this winter, but for the most part he will probably keep riding on the back of the Yuba.

Pretty, but I sincerely hope this winter isn't as long or cold as last year...