Here we are at the August (Saskatoon) Kidical Mass ride - next week school kids are back to school, and we're back to... well... whatever it is that we do...
Here's some pics from the ride.
(Click on the pics to see a bigger version!)

Aaron marshals the riders

Alot of kids gearing to go! Isn't it awesome!

City councillor Charlie Clark and "the other Yuba rider" - Laura (and young Ella!)

Mike and Stella (who is, I think 3 years old and riding a pedal bike for the first time at a Kidical Mass - way to go Stella!!)

Bryn (and Oliver) and his (their) homemade longhaul cargo bike! Woot!

After the ride we picked up some groceries then headed downtown to the library to drop off some (overdue) books. The we hit Unreal City to see what books had been added to the $5 graphic novel sale!?
Amanda missed this ride as she was on an airplane back from Montreal - hopefully she'll have a post up on her blog about her pedalling adventures there, shortly!
I should have a post or two up this weekend (or next..) about some of our pedalling adventures this summer (I gotta do these right after the event or I just never get to it...) a family bike trip to Pike Lake... some bike tourist visitors... maybe some pics from the other kidical mass rides... stay tuned!