It was for Isaac's birthday party. I haven't been to Put 'n Bounce since I was a kid... A LOT sure has changed...

There's a big cool castle...

There's fountains and flowing waterfalls...

There was... well... an awful lot of signs everywhere telling people to stay off the grass... Seriously...!? The "greens" and pathways were so small that if you were in a group of... well... more than ONE(!?) and didn't want to stand in anyone's way there was no where to stand BUT on the grass...

Oh and there was a new big metal bar fence that looked invitingly sturdy and lock-up-to-able...
hang on... What's that on the fence...?

Oh... okay... well... where's this "bike rack"...?

Ah... apparently they still have the original bike rack from 25+ years ago....
That little yellow bit in the bottom right of the picture is a parking lot speed bump - so even a regular sized bike would have had it's back end hanging out into the main driveway of the parking lot, let alone a 4m bike train. thinking back I should have parked it there with the bike train hanging out the back completely blocking the driveway... It was someone else's birthday and I didn't want to cause a stink so I locked up half a block away.
If it hadn't been for a birthday I would have just left...
This is one of those chicken-egg things... they probably wouldn't even consider "upgrading" their bicycle parking facilities because... well... no one rides their bike there - never actually considering that the reason for that might be that's because there's nowhere to PARK there.
Putting that sign up on the fence makes me think that people have tried and that might have clued them in that their "bike parking facilities" suck...