Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August Rides

 A few more pics of rides I went on in August... 

Riding somewhere with Keiran... probably to one of the music lessons they took over the summer. 


Heading out for another paddle with Amanda

South Bridges. And smoke. 

Tandem ride with Amanda. 

TAndem ride with Keiran. 

Out for a ride with my friend, John, who I haven't seen in, like, forever!? 


Smoke and dry fields. 

So much smoke this month. 

Some of it was from Northern Saskatchewan... 

But some of it was blowing in all the way from British Columbia! 

Seemed like the end times... like the whole world was on fire!? 

And yet... flowers...? 

There were crazy hot days... and then there were days Amanda felt she needed an insulated jacket!? 

Finally getting around to resurfacing our street! 

It's happening! 

Finally some cooler weather and rain. 

When it rains... it pours...!? 

Over to my folks for a birthday supper. 

Me, my mom, my sister. 

SAw a rainbow on the way home. 

And a Beaver! 

One last layer of asphalt. 

The nice thing about the road being resurfaced is it's so smooth, it's like having a roller rink right outside our front door! 

So, I finally got out skating with Keiran again. 

Wow do our muscles hurt! Has it been THAT long since we went out last!? 

ran into some firends out on the Meewasin Trail and took a picture of them... 

taking a picture of us...? 

That's all I got for now. 


  1. Glad you managed to get out on the bike!
    Any plans for a bike tour? I know it's probably a bit late in the season, but there's always next year...

  2. I've been getting out just about every day and doing about 200km/week. So much so that the Salsa really needs work... I've actually just been riding the Steamroller the last few days because the Salsa's drivetrain is in just such awful shape and it's too much effort to go get new parts and start fixing it.

    We'd planned to go for a tandem ride at least once a week... but that hasn't worked out. We did get out a few times this past month!

    I'm not sure about any touring any time soon...

    Our last vacation was just such a shit show, I am not excited about going anywhere anytime soon...

  3. Yeah, the time of COVID hasn't been that thrilling for touring, but perhaps it'll come back to you again.
